Concrete Cellar

These are some examples of photos taken over the years of some of my favourite targets

Featured Image!

Image Details

  • Object: Elephant Trunk Nebula IC1396a in Cepheus
  • Combined images taken over 3 separate nights in September 2022 from Vermilion, Alberta
  • Skywatcher ED80 refractor telescope with 0.63 Meade focal reducer for a focal length of 378mm or F4.4
  • ZWO ASI1600MM Monochrome cooled (-15C) camera with 7 nm narrow-band filters for Ha, OIII, and SII (Hubble Palette)
  • Total of 33 – 10 min exposures, with dark frame subtraction and flat field correction in Deep Sky Stacker.  (330 minutes of total exposure)
  • Aligned and combined in Registar and assigned to colour channels (Ha=Green, OIII=Blue, OII=Red)
  • Starless image separated in Starnet, processed and recombined with stars in Photoshop CS5.
  • Final imaging and contrast enhancement in Photoshop CS5

Each of the images in this collection represent hours of processing after raw data is captured!  That’s the fun! (?)

If you would like to purchase a print of any of these photos, please use the contact form to request a quote, specifying the name of the photo in the bottom right hand corner and the approximate size.  I do not have a web store available but can create custom prints or framed prints upon request.

2020 to Present
