These are some examples of photos taken over the years of some of my favourite targets
Featured Image!
Image Details
- Object: Elephant Trunk Nebula IC1396a in Cepheus
- Combined images taken over 3 separate nights in September 2022 from Vermilion, Alberta
- Skywatcher ED80 refractor telescope with 0.63 Meade focal reducer for a focal length of 378mm or F4.4
- ZWO ASI1600MM Monochrome cooled (-15C) camera with 7 nm narrow-band filters for Ha, OIII, and SII (Hubble Palette)
- Total of 33 – 10 min exposures, with dark frame subtraction and flat field correction in Deep Sky Stacker. (330 minutes of total exposure)
- Aligned and combined in Registar and assigned to colour channels (Ha=Green, OIII=Blue, OII=Red)
- Starless image separated in Starnet, processed and recombined with stars in Photoshop CS5.
- Final imaging and contrast enhancement in Photoshop CS5
Each of the images in this collection represent hours of processing after raw data is captured! That’s the fun! (?)